Medically Supervised Weight Loss Programs

Discover a groundbreaking Medical Weight Loss Program at Active Wellness Institute with our Active Weight Loss Solution©

Introducing the transformative power of Semaglutide GLP-1. Unveiling the medical marvel that has garnered widespread attention on news channels, radio broadcasts, and through word-of-mouth referrals. Experience remarkable outcomes and live the life you have always dreamed of. Reach out to one of our four South Jersey-based offices and schedule a consultation today.

It’s time to revolutionize your weight loss journey with Active Wellness Institute's Active Weight Loss Solution©.

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Prior to starting the Active Weight Loss Solution©, you will meet with one of our experienced medical providers.

During the meeting, we’ll discuss your healthcare goals and develop a program that best fits your needs.

Discover the groundbreaking potential of Semaglutide (GLP-1) for weight loss in South Jersey. If you're struggling to shed pounds, Semaglutide may be the answer you've been seeking. This FDA-approved treatment offers remarkable results with minimal side effects.

Experience the transformative power of Semaglutide with

  • Potential weight loss of up to 1-3 pounds per week.

  • Reducing appetite

  • Enhancing eating control

  • Curb food cravings

  • Improve insulin resistance

  • Stimulate fat burning

Semaglutide is both safe and effective, providing you with a once-weekly injection that fits seamlessly into your routine. Embrace this incredible opportunity right here in South Jersey, as Semaglutide helps you achieve your weight loss goals.

The Active Weight Loss solution©

Frequently Asked Questions.

  • The average participant loses 1 to 3 pounds per week. We offer programs of 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks.

  • We offer a 4-week, 8-week, and 12-week program. We also offer a monthly maintenance program to sustain your weight loss.

  • Controls blood sugar spikes and lowers blood sugar, which can result in more consistent energy levels. 

    Interacts with the parts of your brain that suppress your appetite and signal you to feel full. 

    Slows gastric motility, so food stays in your stomach longer, making you feel fuller longer. 

  • Injections are self-performed once-per-week.

  • Self-administered, at-home, once-a-week injectable using a small needle into the stomach, thigh, or upper arm.

  • No, the Active Weight Loss Solution is not covered by insurance.

  • We use the pharmaceutical Semaglutide.

Discover the Active Weightloss Solution: Unleash Your Transformation with Unmatched Convenience and Personalized Care!

  • Convenient Medication Delivery: We send your weight loss medication right to your doorstep, saving you time and hassle.

  • Telemedicine Convenience: Say goodbye to frequent in-person visits. Once you've had your initial visit, all follow-up consultations and check-ins are conducted through telemedicine. No more waiting rooms or travel time!

  • Jumpstart Detox: Our specialized 2-week Jumpstart Detox program kick-starts your weight loss journey, providing you with a comprehensive plan and all the necessary tools to achieve quick and effective results.

  • Weight Loss in a Box: Our all-in-one Weight Loss in a Box program includes carefully curated products and resources to support your weight loss journey. It's a convenient and comprehensive solution designed specifically for busy women like you.

  • Personalized Approach: Our program is tailored to your individual needs and goals. We understand that every person is unique, and our expert team will create a personalized weight loss plan just for you.

  • Medical Expertise: Our team of experienced healthcare professionals specializes in weight loss management. With their guidance and support, you can trust that you're receiving the highest quality care throughout your journey.

  • Sustainable Results: We focus not just on rapid weight loss but also on helping you achieve long-term success. Our program emphasizes healthy habits, lifestyle changes, and ongoing support to ensure you maintain your results.

  • Motivational Support: Our program provides you with ongoing encouragement, motivation, and accountability. Our dedicated team is here to cheer you on, answer your questions, and celebrate your milestones.

Welcome to Active Wellness Institute, a division of Active Spine and Joint Institute. With over 30 years of service in South Jersey, we're dedicated to your well-being, providing comprehensive solutions for chronic joint pain, wellness, nutrition, and weight loss.

At Active Wellness Institute, we believe in addressing the root causes of pain and promoting overall wellness. Our experienced team offers personalized care to guide you toward optimal health. From advanced joint therapies to tailored nutrition and weight loss programs, we provide a range of services to enhance your quality of life.

Our specialized Active Weight Loss Solution© utilizes the latest advancements to help you achieve sustainable weight loss and improve your health. We'll equip you with the tools and ongoing support needed to reach your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Choose Active Wellness Institute to reclaim your vitality, improve joint health, and embrace an active lifestyle.

Contact us today for a transformative wellness journey.